DICE2007 – Ten Year Time Step

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If using material from this website, the user should refer to Cai, Y., Judd, K.L., Lontzek, T.S. (2012),
“Open Science is Necessary”, Nature Climate Change. Questions and comments should be sent to dice.cjl@gmail.com

This table lists the critical parameters and equations

Parameter Name DICE2007 (10 years)
 T 1*60
 GPOP0 .35
 GA0 .092
 GSIGMA -.0730
 ELAND0 11.000
 b11 0.810712
 b12 0.189288
 b21 0.097213
 b22 0.852787
 b23 0.05
 b32 0.003119
 b33 0.996881
 C1 .220
 C4 .050
 GBACK .05
 ga(T) =ga0*EXP(-dela*10*(ORD(T)-1));
 gsig(T) =gsigma*EXP(-dsig*10*(ORD(T)-1)-dsig2*10*((ord(t)-1)**2));
 ETREE(T) = ELAND0*(1-0.1)**(ord(T)-1);
 RR(t) =1/((1+prstp)**(10*(ord(T)-1)));
 FORCOTH(T) = FEX0+ .1*(FEX1-FEX0)*(ORD(T)-1)$(ORD(T) LT 12)+ 0.36$(ORD(T) GE 12);
 PARTFRACT(T)  PARTFRACT(T)$(ord(T)<25) = Partfract21 + (PARTFRACT2-Partfract21)*exp(-DPARTFRACT*(ORD(T)-2));
 Equation Name DICE2007 (10 years)
 KK(T).. K(T+1) =L= (1-DK)**10 *K(T)+10*I(T);
 RIEQ(T).. RI(T)   =E= GAMA*Y(T)/K(T)- (1-(1-DK)**10)/10  ;
 UTIL..  UTILITY =E= SUM(T, 10 *RR(T)*L(T)*(PERIODU(T))/scale1)+ scale2 ;
 MMATAVEQ(t).. MATAV(T)    =e= (MAT(T)+MAT(T+1))/2 ;
 TATMEQ(T+1).. TATM(T+1) =E= TATM(t)+C1*(FORC(t+1)-LAM*TATM(t)-C3*(TATM(t)-TOCEAN(t)));

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