If using material from this website, the user should refer to Cai, Y., Judd, K.L., Lontzek, T.S. (2012),
“Open Science is Necessary”, Nature Climate Change. Questions and comments should be sent to dice.cjl@gmail.com
This table lists the critical parameters and equations
Parameter Name | DICE2007 (10 years) |
T | 1*60 |
GPOP0 | .35 |
GA0 | .092 |
GSIGMA | -.0730 |
ELAND0 | 11.000 |
b11 | 0.810712 |
b12 | 0.189288 |
b21 | 0.097213 |
b22 | 0.852787 |
b23 | 0.05 |
b32 | 0.003119 |
b33 | 0.996881 |
C1 | .220 |
C4 | .050 |
GBACK | .05 |
ga(T) | =ga0*EXP(-dela*10*(ORD(T)-1)); |
gsig(T) | =gsigma*EXP(-dsig*10*(ORD(T)-1)-dsig2*10*((ord(t)-1)**2)); |
ETREE(T) | = ELAND0*(1-0.1)**(ord(T)-1); |
RR(t) | =1/((1+prstp)**(10*(ord(T)-1))); |
FORCOTH(T) | = FEX0+ .1*(FEX1-FEX0)*(ORD(T)-1)$(ORD(T) LT 12)+ 0.36$(ORD(T) GE 12); |
PARTFRACT(T) | PARTFRACT(T)$(ord(T)<25) = Partfract21 + (PARTFRACT2-Partfract21)*exp(-DPARTFRACT*(ORD(T)-2)); |
Equation Name | DICE2007 (10 years) |
KK(T).. | K(T+1) =L= (1-DK)**10 *K(T)+10*I(T); |
RIEQ(T).. | RI(T) =E= GAMA*Y(T)/K(T)- (1-(1-DK)**10)/10 ; |
UTIL.. | UTILITY =E= SUM(T, 10 *RR(T)*L(T)*(PERIODU(T))/scale1)+ scale2 ; |
MMATAVEQ(t).. | MATAV(T) =e= (MAT(T)+MAT(T+1))/2 ; |
TATMEQ(T+1).. | TATM(T+1) =E= TATM(t)+C1*(FORC(t+1)-LAM*TATM(t)-C3*(TATM(t)-TOCEAN(t))); |